Haggai: Discussion Questions

Week One: “Ekklesia”

  1. What is the main problem that Haggai addresses?

2. What service/s to God do we sometimes delay in the modern world?

3. What does it look like for us to take care of God’s temple under new Testament Covenant?

Week two: “Discipleship”

  1. Who is someone that has impacted your life/help you grown?

2. What is it about their character that reflects Christ?

3. Make a list of discipleship characteristics and choose one to apply to your life this week.

Week 3: “Identity in Christ”

  1. Where do you see yourself on the identity triangle?

2. Which truth about your identity in Christ do you struggle to have rooted in your heart?

3. Write down one of the key verses (below) on an index card to meditate on this week.